My Online Psychotherapy Ph

The Bible and Medicine

The Bible and medicine are closely interrelated. You ask Dr. Paul Tournier.  He’s a physician, psychotherapist, and author, who’s quite known in the field of pastoral counseling. In his medical practice and books, he always cited the therapeutic role of the Bible for the “medicine of persons.” Insightfully, he wrote: “Of the meaning of things,… Continue reading The Bible and Medicine

Need to Impress Others?

Do you feel a need to impress others? Is it a deep thirst for you? Listen to what Vernon Howard once wrote: “The need to impress others causes half the world’s woes.” You hear it right: Need to impress others = Woes. A common life area where this often happens in people is in the… Continue reading Need to Impress Others?

Healing Your Anxiety Disorder

Healing your anxiety disorder is external and internal. Both is required. External involves authoring your days.  That’s the practical considerations, such as your food and exercise, your family or relationships, recreation, and work productivity. Internal involves facing your inner fears and wounds. Therapists call it your “shadows” or inner demons. That’s the psychological, emotional, and… Continue reading Healing Your Anxiety Disorder

Face All Your Demons and Shadows

“Face all your demons and shadows,” advised actress/TV executive Charo Santos-Concio in a rare interview sharing about her recovery from depression. She’s sharing a well-recognized therapeutic principle in psychotherapy and life recovery. Psychologists agree in general that every action that hurts us is an unconscious effort to avoid the real problem. According to a noted… Continue reading Face All Your Demons and Shadows

Stuck in a Bad Relationship

Stuck in a bad relationship? Are you imprisoned in a jail of relational dysfunction? If you are, then it’s basic that you know first why you’re still going on with it. Why you can’t let go and protect your self. In my own psychotherapy practice, there have been so many times I’d be with couples trapped… Continue reading Stuck in a Bad Relationship

Body Scan to Heal Your Wounds

Body Scan to heal your wounds. That’s what you do when catching your moments. One of the essential areas to heal is growing awareness of your body senses. Your body is sensitive. When you’re going through something, the body provides you with indicators. “I can’t explain it, while walking, I suddenly became tense and started… Continue reading Body Scan to Heal Your Wounds

How Reality Is Lost or Obscured

Especially in addictions, reality is lost or obscured in a person’s mind. It’s typical and common, among a wide assortment of addictions existing nowadays. Ravi Zacharias, who died a few months ago, was a brilliant mind in Bible apologetics and ethics and noted author of books. He has been in the news headlines for the… Continue reading How Reality Is Lost or Obscured

Stop Comparing Your Self with Others

Listen very carefully: stop comparing your self with others. Well, it’s something you know already. Right? Yet it remains easier said than done. Especially nowadays, the number of categories through which we can compare ourselves to others are infinite! Cars. Houses. Degrees. Titles. Sexy Body. Number of Friends. Families. Business success. Clients. Sales. Project output.… Continue reading Stop Comparing Your Self with Others

Understanding Psychological PTSD

Understanding psychological PTSD is basic to therapy – both for the therapist and patient. In his bestselling book, “Healing the Child Within,” Dr. Charles L. Whitfield writes: “I believe, as do others, that growing up, or living in a seriously troubled or dysfunctional family or similar environment often brings about or is associated with PTSD.… Continue reading Understanding Psychological PTSD

Stumbling? Just Get Up!

Stumbling? Just get up! Don’t beat yourself up for stumbling. Keep that priceless counsel all the days of your life. To stumble is human. Normal. Nobody is perfect.  If you are stumbling, welcome to the club. It guarantees you’re a fellow human. Psychotherapy is in the business of stumbling. Sessions are populated by humans who… Continue reading Stumbling? Just Get Up!

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Online psychotherapy