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Seniors’ Mental Health

Today, 2021, we continue to experience a Covid-linked mental health pandemic, including seniors’ mental health.  “Aging: A Return To Self” is my forthcoming new book due for release this 2021. My contribution and dedication to seniors’ mental health care. Hopefully, the book will reach a number of seniors globally as they “learn to grow old”… Continue reading Seniors’ Mental Health

Searching For Inner Satisfaction

We are all searching for inner satisfaction. It is an ongoing quest from the time we enter to the time we exit this world. Here’s the reality. In this world of false shining objects, it’s easy for people to get lost. Run faster. Consume more. Materialism, for instance, is one of those which makes a… Continue reading Searching For Inner Satisfaction

Stay or Leave? Here’s Help.

Stay or leave?  Countless couples often ask that million-dollar question. Whether married or partners in a romantic relationship, that question sticks. Deep. In the hearts and minds of men and women broken by “love.” “I feel lost. I don’t know what to do anymore,” remarked Tina during our Skype session. “Do I leave him or… Continue reading Stay or Leave? Here’s Help.

Stuck in a Bad Relationship

Stuck in a bad relationship? Are you imprisoned in a jail of relational dysfunction? If you are, then it’s basic that you know first why you’re still going on with it. Why you can’t let go and protect your self. In my own psychotherapy practice, there have been so many times I’d be with couples trapped… Continue reading Stuck in a Bad Relationship

Body Scan to Heal Your Wounds

Body Scan to heal your wounds. That’s what you do when catching your moments. One of the essential areas to heal is growing awareness of your body senses. Your body is sensitive. When you’re going through something, the body provides you with indicators. “I can’t explain it, while walking, I suddenly became tense and started… Continue reading Body Scan to Heal Your Wounds

How Reality Is Lost or Obscured

Especially in addictions, reality is lost or obscured in a person’s mind. It’s typical and common, among a wide assortment of addictions existing nowadays. Ravi Zacharias, who died a few months ago, was a brilliant mind in Bible apologetics and ethics and noted author of books. He has been in the news headlines for the… Continue reading How Reality Is Lost or Obscured

Stop Comparing Your Self with Others

Listen very carefully: stop comparing your self with others. Well, it’s something you know already. Right? Yet it remains easier said than done. Especially nowadays, the number of categories through which we can compare ourselves to others are infinite! Cars. Houses. Degrees. Titles. Sexy Body. Number of Friends. Families. Business success. Clients. Sales. Project output.… Continue reading Stop Comparing Your Self with Others

Stumbling? Just Get Up!

Stumbling? Just get up! Don’t beat yourself up for stumbling. Keep that priceless counsel all the days of your life. To stumble is human. Normal. Nobody is perfect.  If you are stumbling, welcome to the club. It guarantees you’re a fellow human. Psychotherapy is in the business of stumbling. Sessions are populated by humans who… Continue reading Stumbling? Just Get Up!

Unrealistic Expectations Are Unhealthy

Unrealistic expectations are unhealthy. They can be a heavy burden. It’s not easy or light, psychologically. “He’s an impossible boss doc. Even with positive  results, you won’t hear him say ‘Good job!’ remarked Boris of the unrealistic expectations of his employer. A once-dedicated 21-year-old budding writer loses his love for the art.  It’s because he’s… Continue reading Unrealistic Expectations Are Unhealthy

Your Mission Gives Your Life Meaning

Your mission gives your life meaning. It fulfills one of life’s “ultimate concerns.” Look what happens when you don’t have a mission. A purpose … a meaning … in your journey of life. Dr. Viktor Frankl, founder of Logotherapy, calls it various names:  “malaise of the soul,” “existential vacuum,” “existential frustration.” Or, in simple language,… Continue reading Your Mission Gives Your Life Meaning

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Online psychotherapy