My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Dealing with “Ghosting”

Dealing with “ghosting” can be a mental health issue faced in personal relationships. “Ghosting,” based on the Oxford Languages, is defined as: “the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation, withdrawing from all communications” Minda was frustrated, upset, and confused. Her daughter suddenly cut communications with her since landing… Continue reading Dealing with “Ghosting”

Debts and Mental Health

Debts and mental health: How are you paying off your debts? Ask Ralph Waldo Emerson. He said, “Pay every debt as if God wrote the bill.” This pandemic, we live in a time with too much accumulating debts.  Incurred not just by people, but also by governments. They’re debts to address the impact of damage… Continue reading Debts and Mental Health

Learn to Think Clear and Pure

To reach your goals – what you want for your life – you need to learn to think clear and pure. That takes concentration. With effort – enough or more. The point is, it can be done. It’s self-evident that you cannot think clear and pure without concentration. If your thoughts fly here and there,… Continue reading Learn to Think Clear and Pure

What Are “False Values?”

What are “false values?” An article from Bright Side cites 9 false values that modern society imposes upon us. One is this one:  “A successful person should have a car, an apartment, and the latest iPhone.”  A Chinese client, Wong, came from a rich taipan family.  Five years after college, he had a nervous breakdown.… Continue reading What Are “False Values?”

You Must Accept Your Self Come What May

You must accept your self come what may. Healing through self acceptance is to tell yourself to accept yourself. Warts and all. A lot of people are depressed, insecure, or addicted due to a lack of or inadequate self acceptance.  As we walk around this confused world, we’re bombarded with so many false values. False… Continue reading You Must Accept Your Self Come What May

Is Porn Destroying Your Marriage?

Is porn destroying your marriage? Your romantic relationship?  Since his teenage years onwards, Erwin, a therapy client, binges on pornography. Everyday. Almost without fail.  “I can’t control it, doc,” he said during a Zoom therapy session. “It’s been a long time now since our baby was born, my wife wants no more sex!” Last year,… Continue reading Is Porn Destroying Your Marriage?

Choose Your Battles

Choose your battles. Say no to nit-picking. Pick only the majors that truly matter. Avoid the minors or trivial. I’m reminded of this saying by Philipp Melanchthon, “In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” A problem that derails this principle is “nit-picking.”  Merriam Webster dictionary defines “nit-picking” as …“a minute, and usually… Continue reading Choose Your Battles

Self Image and the Mind

Self-image and the mind go together. What you think about yourself in your mind shapes the way you live. Cecil Osborne, author of the book “The Art of Understanding Yourself,” writes: “The conscious and unconscious feelings you have about yourself constitute your self-image. This self-image you will act out in life. You will always tend… Continue reading Self Image and the Mind

Love Is The Medicine

Love is the medicine. Healing love in a birthday poem of a husband to his wife. Yes, during the Covid year 2020.  See how this healing love looks and feels like in the said poem: “A long time ago, I was a lonely man.  A very broken man. Walks were filled with tears flowing from… Continue reading Love Is The Medicine

Daily Walks Clear Your Mind

Do you know that daily walks clear your mind? Yes, daily walks. About 20 minutes or so. That is proven to be therapeutic and health-maintaining. “Solvitur ambulando,” Saint Augustine once remarked. In plain English, it translates “It is solved by walking.” I walk each day. Usually, after my writing and therapy work, I take my… Continue reading Daily Walks Clear Your Mind

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Online psychotherapy