My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Daily Walks Clear Your Mind

Do you know that daily walks clear your mind? Yes, daily walks. About 20 minutes or so. That is proven to be therapeutic and health-maintaining. “Solvitur ambulando,” Saint Augustine once remarked. In plain English, it translates “It is solved by walking.” I walk each day. Usually, after my writing and therapy work, I take my… Continue reading Daily Walks Clear Your Mind

Mistakes Don’t Make You A Loser

Believe it, mistakes don’t make you a loser. The truth is, you are allowed to make mistakes even on your own.  There will surely be hits and misses. Give yourself permission to make heaps of them. You are allowed to be imperfect. You are human. Mistakes don’t make you a loser. The earlier you realize… Continue reading Mistakes Don’t Make You A Loser

The Psychological Wound of Perfectionism

The psychological wound of perfectionism is a secret wound that cries for help. Brandon and Betty are a gifted couple. They’re high scale in accomplishments in their respective fields.  Brandon, in sports and corporate life. Betty, in art and academics. They’re a power couple. Then one day, they came to see me.Their life went tumbling… Continue reading The Psychological Wound of Perfectionism

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

A popular saying is, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” It’s simply one expression of an undeniable fact-of-life. Essential, worthy things do take time. It entails process. Enough waiting. Especially about things that matter in our lives, such as our health or relationships. Especially about things that naturally evolve and grow, like our brains or… Continue reading Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Questions to Ask When Anxious

You have questions to ask when anxious.  Ask your self: * Why am I fearful about my family, my future, my finances?* Why am I nervous?* Why can’t I sleep?* Why do I have headaches?* What are all the feelings I’m feeling?* Do I feel guilty?* Am I running away from something?* What is really… Continue reading Questions to Ask When Anxious

You Repeat What You Don’t Repair

Here’s a common sight in psychotherapy: You repeat what you don’t repair. When things remain unresolved, that’s when history can automatically repeat itself. Often.  Sonny is beaten up by his girlfriend. Both verbally and physically. After almost a year, he has decided to break up with her. What took him that long? There’s a logical… Continue reading You Repeat What You Don’t Repair

Heal From Your Toxic Parents

Heal from your toxic parents. It’s a call to life before it gets too late. According to Psychology Today, toxic parents  “… may come in different shapes. Some are so obvious that they can be spotted from space through the eye of a needle. Some are a bit more subtle. All are destructive.” Toxic parents… Continue reading Heal From Your Toxic Parents

Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy

Are you ready to stop being your own worst enemy? The question reminds me of the old Winnie the Pooh book/movie. In a conversation about who the real enemy is, Winnie the Pooh, a talented poet, simply points that the real “enemy is you!” Your own self can be your greatest enemy when you need… Continue reading Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy

Depression and Suicide

Depression and suicide – troubled mental health brewing in the British royal family with Queen Elizabeth. “I didn’t want to be alive any more,” said Markle Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. In a recent celebrity interview with Oprah, Meghan, a mixed race, described the emotions she felt: shame, fear, hopelessness. They’re emotions she experienced in the… Continue reading Depression and Suicide

Seniors’ Mental Health

Today, 2021, we continue to experience a Covid-linked mental health pandemic, including seniors’ mental health.  “Aging: A Return To Self” is my forthcoming new book due for release this 2021. My contribution and dedication to seniors’ mental health care. Hopefully, the book will reach a number of seniors globally as they “learn to grow old”… Continue reading Seniors’ Mental Health

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Online psychotherapy