My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Love Yourself To Heal Your Life

Love yourself to heal your life. How do you think about yourself? “Don’t doc! I’m not that pretty. I’m not that good you say I am!” blurts Imelda during our Skype session. Thing is, it’s not a one-time comment she’d make in our work together. She’d repeatedly point that out over and over again in… Continue reading Love Yourself To Heal Your Life

No Human Can Complete You

Ultimately, no human can complete you.  “You complete me” is a popular saying in romantic or marital love. You hear it from lovers.  As one “effect” or result, people can become too desperate to find their “other half“ – their “someone special.” It’s a belief imprinted on us by culture, such as from film and… Continue reading No Human Can Complete You

Notice Your Internal Resistance

It’s a common, recurring roadblock in psychotherapy: to fail to notice your internal resistance.  Mostly, the resistance is unconscious. Very much “under the surface.” Internal resistance is essentially psychological. An inner device. And it can take the form of varied disguises, depending on the person. Take Liza, for instance. She committed sexual infidelities with tens… Continue reading Notice Your Internal Resistance

Why Is Willpower Not Working?

Why is willpower not working? I’m reminded of a patient I’ll call Jenny. She wanted out of her sexual addiction involving multiple casual partners. Even with married men and co-addicts. She’s big in willpower. At the start of her psychotherapy work. “I can do it. Stop this shit in my life!” she’d say during one… Continue reading Why Is Willpower Not Working?

Make No One A Project

Make no one a project. You are your only project.  Stop or refuse making your spouse your project. Nor is your child, friend, brother/sister, parent, or any other person. Catch it deeply, dear. It’s life.  It’s health-giving. Imelda “dances around” the life of her husband and children. They’re her center.  Time came when all her… Continue reading Make No One A Project

Will You Want To Get Well?

Will you want to get well? Sounds a strange question. You may be surprised many do, but in reality they don’t know that they actually don’t want to. They blame others. They make excuses. They play the victim role. Dr. Bruce Larson, in his book “There’s A Lot More To Health Than Not Being Sick,”… Continue reading Will You Want To Get Well?

Dealing With Isolation

I’ve been thinking today of dealing with isolation. It appears uniform of the day again. With the worsening Covid crisis, there has been renewed  quarantines and lockdowns. How do we face this? Understanding how isolation affects our health can be a relevant first step for self care. Dr. Philip Zimbardo, a psychology professor at Stanford… Continue reading Dealing With Isolation

Searching For Meaning This Pandemic

Nowadays, people are restless – searching for meaning this pandemic. Questions abound.  What’s the purpose of life with all these crises and uncertainties? Where do I go? Are my priorities still holding? How should I feel? “It’s almost 2 years now, this Covid thing. Times when I just stare at anything. And freeze. I can’t… Continue reading Searching For Meaning This Pandemic

Forgiveness Does Not Equal Trust

Forgiveness does not equal trust. That is inevitable hard reality in human relationships. Since trust is a fragile thing, it needs time and process to be repaired when broken. “Why can’t you move on from here and trust me. I already told you the other woman is gone!” David told his wife Dina during a… Continue reading Forgiveness Does Not Equal Trust

Prepare For Possible Future Crisis

Nowadays, the call is to prepare for possible future crisis. We are living through a deadly global pandemic. That’s just being plain realistic. Facing the facts as they are. To have a plan. To prepare. And to take action as we move along. Mario crashed. He lacked enough cash to feed his family. He lost his… Continue reading Prepare For Possible Future Crisis

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Online psychotherapy