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Healing From Being Financially Scammed

Are you healing from being financially scammed?

She looks legitimate. Fancy self described Bitcoin millionaire.

That’s a woman named “Rukky” who posed as “account manager”on Facebook. She’s complete with photos and “mission to help” posts on the platform.

She entices investors to send small amounts of Bitcoin for big profit returns in 72 hours. The website she uses is

After investors sent Bitcoin to their address and “guided” by this woman till the end of the so-called “trading process,” she disappears.

The money disappears. Gone!

Both the woman and the website are scams. Beware of them. They’re too numerous in cyberspace!

“It’s hard earned money, doc! I can’t figure out what kind of person she is cheating people out of their money,” said a distressed client, Melissa, who was one of those duped by “Rukky” only recently.

Melissa’s emotions are a mixture of shame, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, fear, distrust, depression, even suicidal thoughts.

As a psychotherapist, money problems are one of the hardest or most challenging issues to deal with.

Too bad, it’s all a scam that continues to traumatize people already suffering from deep mental and financial wounds.

According to Intelligent Investing, in America, scams cheat older Americans out of almost $3 billions. Goodness, $3 billions!

Financial scams contribute to psychological breakdowns of people all over the world. It’s a kind of mental health pandemic.

To emotionally recover from being financially scammed, Intelligent Investing recommends 4 simple ways or steps to heal:

# accept the emotions

# find your best supportive family members and friends 

# change your thinking 

# ask for help when you need it 

I suggest that you go to this brief article and read more about it.

Hope that helps you, especially when you’re healing from being financially scammed.


healing from being financially scammed

# healingfromfinancialscam# psychotherapistmanila# onlinepsychotherapylifecoaching


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