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Distance To Save Your Life

Distance to save your life and heart.

At times, distance from another is the healthy response, especially from those who don’t value you.

A common advice is to push you to address or confront directly a person when you’ve a problem.

But there are situations when it’s not always the best way.

Richard has adult children from his deceased ex-wife who committed infidelity in the marriage.

His adult children know what traumatized him. They witness what hurt him but they continue to do it anyway.

It’s clear in multiple times that they don’t value him despite all the giving and kindness he’s showing to them.

After too many years that passed, Richard is done with their disrespect. He finally kept distance. He sets boundaries.

He still prays for and keeps waiting for his adult children to “come home.” But he decides to move on by distancing.

Choosing distance means distancing from those who won’t return his love or who keep breaking his heart through deceit and using him.

Yes, after you’ve done the best and all that you can, distance may only be the best way to move on with your life.

distance to save your life

Author and blogger Rania Naim writes:

“Distance is not weakness—if anything, it’s the ultimate sign of strength, because if you can be distant from someone you love just because you know they’re not right for you, then you have the courage to conquer anything else. Choosing distance means choosing yourself even if you’ll struggle alone for a while, but it’s a hundred times better than inviting people to hurt you or use you. Sometimes distance is the best response because some people don’t deserve any more of your time or words—they deserve your absence and your silence.”

Distance (“healthy detachment”) can be your healing currency. Let truth heal you.

Distance when situation calls for it to save your life and heart.


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Online psychotherapy