My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Free Your Self From Passivity

Mental health is the ability to free your self from passivity. Author Ruth Jhabvala once wrote these lines of passivity, “Take me, make what you will of me, I have joy in my submission.” That’s how a psychotherapy patient, Jill, would think and feel in the way she acts with men.  She feels she’d lose… Continue reading Free Your Self From Passivity

Choose Being Unoffendable

You heard it right: choose being unoffendable.  I actually only borrowed the concept from a book I’ve read – Brant Hansen’s book “Unoffendable.” Yes, be unoffendable. It’s good for you and your life. Sounds a ridiculous idea? You may be thinking, “How can you say that when there are situations when it’s righteous to be… Continue reading Choose Being Unoffendable

Learn Your Parents’ History As Humans

The more you were hurt by your parents, the more crucial you need to learn their history as humans. “My father used to beat me especially when he’s drunk. Punches, kicks, verbal grenades. It’s so hard for me to believe he’s my father. When I became a teenager, I wrote him off and ran away… Continue reading Learn Your Parents’ History As Humans

Someday You’ll Die

Remember, someday you’ll die. Memento mori. That’s the biggest lesson or reminder that the pandemic has taught us.  Nobody gets out alive from here. Everyone dies, sooner or later – with Covid or not. So with that sure reality of your limited time, are you loving what you’re experiencing or doing right now with your… Continue reading Someday You’ll Die

Take Each Day As A Gift

Take each day as a gift. This thought is specially relevant nowadays to a world reeling with the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.  Millions are dying. Millions are getting sick of the virus. Millions are losing their jobs. Millions are affected by the economic meltdown. Millions of families are displaced and suffering. Millions are in… Continue reading Take Each Day As A Gift

Prepare By Simplifying Your Life

To survive and thrive in any storm, you prepare by simplifying your life. A minimalist soul and life. Practically speaking, as I write this, the world is in the middle of a raging storm: the Coronavirus pandemic. People stare into the eye of the pandemic which is wreaking havoc on all areas of our lives… Continue reading Prepare By Simplifying Your Life

Say Yes To Your Life Within

Say yes to your life within. Some people are used to “holding back.” They censor much of themselves. As a result, they forget what it is to be their real selves. Constantly, they overly depend on or turn to others for love and self worth. This causes them to be less of what they’re meant… Continue reading Say Yes To Your Life Within

Choose What You Want To Harvest

Choose what you want to harvest. A good, happy life results from good harvests. It involves noticing what seeds you’re sowing in your life and relationships. In psychotherapy, good seeds are critical to heal and change life. You sow in your unconscious mind so you’ll reap in your body, mind, and soul. Last night, I… Continue reading Choose What You Want To Harvest

Other People Is Not Your Problem

Other people is not your problem. You cannot fix others. Really, that’s the truth. Once I saw a patient I’d call Willy. He’s a very angry man. He’s easily “triggered.” He shouts at his wife and kids and says hurting words to them. Multiple times, he gets involved in fistfights with neighbors or other drivers… Continue reading Other People Is Not Your Problem

Love Yourself To Heal Your Life

Love yourself to heal your life. How do you think about yourself? “Don’t doc! I’m not that pretty. I’m not that good you say I am!” blurts Imelda during our Skype session. Thing is, it’s not a one-time comment she’d make in our work together. She’d repeatedly point that out over and over again in… Continue reading Love Yourself To Heal Your Life

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Online psychotherapy