My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Worth of Your Past

What is the worth of your past?

Awhile ago I was having a virtual session with Rose on Skype. She’s a woman with a painful past.

Years before she migrated to Canada, she suffered varied kinds of abuse in the family.

Not just physically and emotionally. There’s also sexual abuse (rape) of a relative.

That went on for years since she was a child. Something she kept secret for too long.

During sessions, Rose would recover memories from which she had been imprisoned all those years.

In finally resolving her past, she found relief from the pressure of emotions that had long been contained.

In “Man’s Search for Meaning,” psychiatrist and author Dr. Viktor Frankl spoke of a man with a “full life.”

The man has an ongoing life review process. 

What matters to him now that he is growing old with many pasts?

He reflects, “Instead of possibilities, I have realities in my past, not only the reality of work done and of love loved, but of suffering suffered.”

Worth of your past. What could that be – its value in the whole of your life?


In chemistry, resolution means breaking a compound into components. In that way, they’re rendered visible in the light.

Once you’re able to make order of your past experiences, you become poised to come to peace with your self. 

You begin to reconcile your self to the contradictory pieces that has comprised the only life you own.


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Online psychotherapy