In Red Cross, they have physical first aid.
The concept and principles governing Red Cross First Aid training is equally valid for an Emotional First Aid program.
Both Physical First Aid and Emotional First Aid have things in common.
Both teach that damage in accidents or emergencies can be reduced or controlled by using basic procedures and skills.
Both teach to plan ahead, think, watch out for potentially destructive, emergency situations.
Both emphasize on the spot help and common-sense safety.
Both are focused on training and equipping ordinary, responsible citizens.
My latest ebook quick guide “23 Ways to Do Emotional First Aid: A Quick Guide to Prevent Unnecessary Sufering” aims to do just that.
It’s not intended to replace expert psychotherapy or counseling when professional services are called for.
The guide is not a comprehensive text, but is a beginning.
It proves that something can be done by anyone for prevention of emotional disasters or breakdowns in the midst of severe crisis, such as a pandemic.