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Are You Addicted To A “Drug?”

Are you addicted to a “drug?”

Understanding addiction is a first step in personal life recovery and wholeness.

It’s about “drug.” And by “drug” in addiction, I mean not just substance abuse or chemical dependency, such as alcohol, marijuana/shabu/cocaine, prescription drugs, food, and others.

“Drug” also means behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyle patterns, such as gambling, debts, overspending, rage, promiscuity, laziness, extramarital affair, porn sex etc.

A “drug” can be anything that makes a person escape reality. And … which produces physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, and behavioral changes in the user.

are you addicted to a drug

Lorna, 30, is addicted to a “drug” – money. It’s manifestation takes the forms of overwhelming credit card debts, borrowing money and not paying them, and impulsive spending. She now faces legal suits due to her out-of-control use of her “drug.”

It started during the time prior to the death of her OFW mother years ago. Lorna (since high school) was often spoiled by her mother with cash and material gifts when she was alive to make up for her physical absence.

During her sister’s birthday lately, she sulked and disappeared because she could no longer borrow money from her siblings. “I don’t want to see them anymore! I have no more family!” Lorna cried.

Addiction is a problem of the “whole person.” According to Wikipedia, addiction is a “biopsychosocial disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences.”

Once addicted, the “drug” dependent lives in an illusory world characterized by paralyzed emotions, mental denials and delusions, social isolation, and existential limbo. 

Personal issues “under the surface” are essentially involved in addiction. Issues such as: a poor self image, insecurity, fear, shame, guilt, greed, immorality, homosexuality, incest, spiritual lostness, unhealed trauma, among others.

For many, especially when they’ve become hardened or chronic, it can be such a helpless state. Even a life of no return.

Getting free from addiction is usually a long term process. The “drug” dependent must desire to be helped. And a strong support system and intervention is often needed.

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