My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Healing From Being Financially Scammed

Are you healing from being financially scammed? She looks legitimate. Fancy self described Bitcoin millionaire. That’s a woman named “Rukky” who posed as “account manager”on Facebook. She’s complete with photos and “mission to help” posts on the platform. She entices investors to send small amounts of Bitcoin for big profit returns in 72 hours. The… Continue reading Healing From Being Financially Scammed

Active Mind and Longevity

A key to longevity in life is maintaining an active mind. It’s “creative cure.’ I always notice the fact that those who live longer and better have this personal strength. They begun, of course, since they were very young. In their homes or life experiences. Often, the active mind has been nurtured over many years… Continue reading Active Mind and Longevity

Therapy as Theatre

The therapy hour is theatre. Inside it lies different patterns, shades, and colors of what we call life. It’s a time of creativity to help fellow travelers. To heal. To get free. To break loose from self damaging ways. As a psychotherapist, much of it for me is spontaneous and improvisational. I react and respond… Continue reading Therapy as Theatre

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Online psychotherapy