My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Therapy as Theatre

The therapy hour is theatre.

Inside it lies different patterns, shades, and colors of what we call life.

It’s a time of creativity to help fellow travelers. To heal. To get free. To break loose from self damaging ways.

As a psychotherapist, much of it for me is spontaneous and improvisational. I react and respond in the exact moments things are transpiring.

When Ricardo spoke of his addiction to casual sex with fellow males, I needed to be careful of my rhetoric during session.

Before me was a unique human being. And therefore, the call was to understand him and help him solve his problems based on his context.

Art comes in when therapy is treated without unnecessary bias, jargon, expectations, or presuppositions. 
But still, with great wisdom.

Dr. Jeffrey Kottler, a well known therapist and author, describes the “creative journey” of therapy as a new understanding following a progression from the familiar to the unknown.

He further writes,

“During this passage, there is a move from stable ground to confusion, frustration, self doubt. To be successful in creative endeavors requires abandoning the verbal and the concrete for the uncertainties of intuition and subjectivity.”

If that’s therapy, isn’t it obviously a form of interactional theatre?

In it, despite the drama, we have little choice but to continue the natural evolution toward personal growth and wholeness.


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Online psychotherapy