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Confront Your Fatigue

Confront your fatigue. There’s still an ongoing pandemic.

I know you’re having me to mind again, as songbird Adele sings it.

Reality. 2021 is nearing its end. Yet our now 2-year war is not over yet.

The spread of Covid is still going strong amid the new Omicron variant in many parts of the world, especially in America and UK.

confront your fatigue

In the Philippines, we may start monitoring our true reality right after the holidays.

This case of the present Covid global pandemic, people are increasingly getting tired. Pandemic fatigue can be a root of evil in different parts of the world.

People may quite literally die of fatigue. Perhaps an intolerance for sameness and hopelessness lead others to the fireworks of madness.

Giving up on your life due to fatigue is less a condition than a way of viewing the world. It’s more caused by a collapse of meaning.

In a way, this can also be a good time to stay naked and confront one’s existential pain. Instead of retreating when fatigue becomes intense, one can learn to stay with the discomfort, relax, hang loose, not tie up.

It’s opportunity “to strip away our character armor, shed layer after layer of imposed motivations and values, and circle closer to our unique essence,” as writer S. Keen once wrote.

Here are 7 “keys” you can strive to do to confront your fatigue, survive, and win this pandemic war:

#1  Stay focused and productive.

#2  Practice being hopeful/positive.

#3  Develop physical health habits/protocols as second nature.

#4  Maintain mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

#5  Cultivate family nurture and social support.

#6  Find ways to help others and find meaning in the crisis.

#7  Wait well in prayer, faith, and action.

Confront your fatigue. Excel in it by being willing to put yourself where there is nowhere else to escape!

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