My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Where Is Your Center?

Where is your center?

Most human suffering is caused by a lack of adequate, lasting center. Often, it’s a fragile center called “Me.”

This auto-centric orientation cannot satisfy our deepest human needs for very long.

Rolly tried everything to satisfy himself – his “Me” center. Wealth. Fame. Possessions. Sex. Family. Travel. Art and creativity. Business success. Contacts. Power.

Yet he still felt unsatisfied with everything. He got confused and depressed.

“I feel lost. I don’t know what else to do anymore. Things don’t last. And I’m too bothered by that,” Rolly shared over Zoom.

There remains a void inside his “Me” despite all his accomplishments. His best earthly joys only possess a fleeting temporality.

where is your center

The result of ME-centrality is secular and humanistic. The ME, the human self … that wants to be its own god.

The resultant consequences in our lives are predictable when the center is “Me” rather than “God.”

The apostle Peter is a glaring example of the conflict between “Me” center and “God” center in our personal life development.

Peter took Christ aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You!”

Jesus responded:

“Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”

Me-centrality prefers his own things (self-interest) whereas God-centrality prefers the things of God (glorify Him).

Jesus confronts our humanistic, self-serving personal development/actualization.

Only from Christ-centrality can we escape the bondage of satan whose sole intent is “to steal, and kill, and destroy” us (John 10:10).

GOD is the only true center of supreme reality in the whole universe, not ME.

“Our Creator has so constituted human life that all the legitimate joys of life, from infancy onward, have hidden within them a beckoning to something greater, a Someone who is the only soul-satisfying fulfillment of all creaturely joy. Only in the love of God can humans find a transcendent solace, forgiveness, and the reason for their being.“ – Dr. Eric L. Johnson

“You have made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” — St. Augustine of Hippo


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Online psychotherapy