Make the most of your youth.
Childhood and youth are fleeting. Make the best of it. You pass this way only once.
Chess was my art and game during my youth. As a shy, thin boy then, with my cousins.
My art and game got me full high school and university scholarships for all years through it, and to win Makati and other local tourneys.
Beat players who became international masters/Olympiad veterans in national tournaments/varsity collegiate.
It’s nice to reminisce who I used to be.
Author and therapist Wendy Lustbader once wrote,
“Our recollections are mosaics, composed of fragments of what we actually experience and arranged to suit our need for meaning. At each juncture, we decide what to reveal to others, what to keep for ourselves, and what to forget. The approach of death, more than any other urgency, summons our desire to determine the worth of the past.”
Youth is a special time. It’s a gift. A privilege.
What you do with it may determine the nature and course of your following years.
Often, the earliest years of our past can just be spent on externals. But the externals fade.
When applied to the whole stretch of life ahead – family, work, aging, old age, a possible disease, death, and the world beyond – we’re left with nothing.
Gradually, before it gets too late, youth can be started to do and dedicated in things that truly matter.
It’s a shift of focus from the external to the internal … to things that last. A matter of pause that years grant us.
When that shift is reached, especially at the latter years of one’s life, retrospection and introspection unite. They merge unto a single quest for the true meaning of life.
We recall stories of our lives. And the stories tell us who we have been.