My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Love To Walk Each Day

Love to walk each day. Walk your way to health.

Walking puts you in touch with humanity, God’s creations.

St. Augustine once said, “Solvitur Ambulando” – it is solved by walking.

My work involves a lot of sitting and aloneness, talking with people from different parts of the world, and writing.

So I’ve come to love walking. I walk 5000 to 10,000 + steps daily most days of each week to balance me out.

I like different paths and timings such as sunrise and sunset, with my iPhone app keeping track of my progress and numbers.

It’s one of nature’s best health-giving medicines. I feel stronger after every walk – physically, mentally, and spiritually.

It’s on these walks that my best insights come to me. The walks bring me back to myself. They help me feel closer to God and humanity.

love to walk each day

Last night, I was talking to a talented artist, 33-year-old Lita. Over a Skype session.

She’s severely distressed, having daily panic attacks since experiencing two deaths in the family just a few weeks apart.

“It’s daily doc, for months now. Every time, I’ll have moments of unexplainable sweating, heart palpitations, crying spells, and tremblings,” Lita narrates.

Before she started therapy with me, she already submitted her self to medical diagnostics in the hospital. Complete physical check up, including blood pressure, ECG, sugar, etc.

“Results showed I’m all clear doc. The doctors could not find anything wrong medically with my body to explain what it’s happening to it,” notes Lita with her puzzled looks.

As part of her daily routine, I prescribed walking to her, 3000 steps for a start and gradually increase it each week. Days after taking action on it made a difference to her.

“It works, doc! I felt better after my every walks, no ‘moments” at all,” Lita reports.

Love to walk each day.

“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” – Friedrich Nietzsche.

“I love walking because it clears your mind, enriches the soul, takes away stress, and opens up your eyes to a whole new world .” – Claudette Dudley.

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Online psychotherapy