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Heal Your Infidelity Wound

Heal your infidelity wound. That entails keys or steps to overcome betrayal or cheating from your spouse or partner.

I do a lot of infidelity recovery treatment. It appears to be one of the most needed healing psychotherapies nowadays.

Countless couples have entered my session deeply suffering from this kind of psychological and emotional wound.

I know it’s hardly good news to announce that a marriage is in trouble. It will always distress. Not only the individuals involved.

But also all of us in general seeing chaos in a basic unit of stability in our society, especially when it includes children and family.

“We are lost, Doc! We just don’t know what to do, how to think and feel anymore. It’s hell we’re in. We want to get out,” said Rolly in a Viber marital session with his wife.

Rolly and his wife went through several “keys” or steps with me in our work to heal the festering infidelity wound in their marriage, namely:

* knowing how to stop doing what they’re presently doing 

* learning to have an individual and relational “calm kit” for their fearful feelings and thoughts 

* taking appropriate steps to defuse the affair

* studying infidelity and reframing one’s perspective 

* understanding each other as spouses or partners 

* having a complete recovery plan

* practicing how to respond rather than react 

* taking a stand, establishing boundaries

* thinking and speaking significant statements to each other that make a difference 

* reaching a point of true forgiveness and reconciliation 

“The precipitated crisis … must be accompanied by an entire change of attitude. Instead of begging, pleading, wringing your hands and whimpering like an abused puppy, you as the vulnerable partner must appear strangely calm and assured. The key word is ‘confidence,’ and it is of maximum importance.” – Dr. James Dobson


heal your infidelity wound

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