Do you have C-PTSD?
PTSD, a known psychiatric diagnostic category, stands for “post-traumatic stress disorder.”
The attached C stands for “complex.” Nowadays, the C may stand for “Covid” which is a kind of PTSD.
Roberto, all these months of Covid, experiences serious difficulties – physically and mentally.
He has difficulties sleeping, eating, and resuming his work and usual physical exercises. He’s been progressively neglecting his self-care.
The high stress of the pandemic gets him to be more and more irritable at home. On top of that, his increasing emotional outbursts made him avoid people and situations.
Roberto can’t see a point anymore to going on with his life. He isolates and dissociates. And he has moments of thinking about taking his own life.
Trauma can be complex. It may involve other deeper underlying issues (e.g. abandonment wound, childhood abuse), not just a current stressor or situation (e.g. Covid).
Often, those “deeper underlying issues” include pre-existing “unmetabolized” psychological or emotional states. They add to or aggravate conditions that a person currently faces.

If not treated early enough, C-PTSD or the psychological trauma wound itself causes a denial in the emotional state.
A negative change in feelings and beliefs about one’s self and others. A negative change in one’s system of meanings in life. All these only lead to further dissociation.
Understandably, a traumatized person strives to escape. From pain and suffering.
But he needs to see the difference between temporary sedatives and solving the real problem. So he can start healing.
Do you have C-PTSD? It’s simply more than you think.
“Although gay companions over the bowl dispel awhile the sense of ill, though pleasures fill the maddening soul, the heart, the heart is empty still.”— Lord Byron