My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Find Your Right Work

“Work I disliked the most was work I wasn’t suited for.” – Dr. Martha Sinetar

When I was in high school, I joined a summer job group of teenagers.
We sold Britannica encyclopedias door to door.

Nothing wrong with that job.
Except that I was introverted and artsy.
Also, painfully shy.

So my heart was not in it.
Knocking on doors was strange to me.
An unnatural act.

I only lasted for very few days.
I was not in the right field.
It was more than the money.

It took mistakes and divine interventions.
Of years gone by.
For me to see where God has called me.

Find your right work.
It’s just as important to your mental health.
As the right food are for your body.

To find your right work,
You listen to your Creator and yourself.
To tell you who and what you really are.

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Online psychotherapy