My Online Psychotherapy Ph

Say Yes To Your Life Within

Say yes to your life within.

Some people are used to “holding back.” They censor much of themselves. As a result, they forget what it is to be their real selves.

Constantly, they overly depend on or turn to others for love and self worth. This causes them to be less of what they’re meant to be.

say yes to your life within

I’ve a patient, Doris, who had a fragmented personality. She made choices based only on outside sources of direction and approval.

She shares …

“For decades, I’ve been doing what my husband and children expect me to do. Now that the kids are grown up and have their own families, I don’t know what I want to do. I’m lost and depressed.”

Doris’ need is to learn to sufficiently say “yes to your life within.” To rediscover her own vitality and distinctiveness from within her self.

Dr. Marsha Sinetar, in her book “Do What You Love …,” observes:

“ … holding themselves back also causes them to continue to defeat themselves in other ways. As they observe themselves thwarting their own thoughts, opinions, and true desires, they eventually lose self respect. Soon they know themselves to be cowards, and this further contaminates their ability to be unique … acting out our authentic desires and values quickly erases a history of holding back and self-abandonment … The belief – that we can survive if we express our real self – is a major step in the development of high self esteem because it is based on our actions, not just on ‘positive thinking.’ “

I think this healthy mental state can be developed with deeper self observation and reflection. 

Note your answers to questions, such as:

* What daily actions, activities, possessions etc make me happy and energized?

* Which of my personal qualities, gifts, or talents make me glad to be me?

* What memories in the past fill me with joy, hope, and faith?

* What kind of person am I when I’m at my best?

* What are my most important values that I strive to live by?

*  What goals are significant to me that I need to make time and energy for?

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Online psychotherapy