Because of Covid, people are more online nowadays.
That very much includes psychotherapy and mental health treatment globally.
As VeryWellMind put it,
“In the face of the social distancing measures required in our COVID-19 crisis, many in-person psychotherapies are becoming online out of necessity.
The past recent months, I do purely online sessions via Skype, Viber, Zoom, Google Meet, FB Mess, among others.
While I’m in Asia, a number of individuals, such as nurses, caregivers, OFWs and other frontline medical workers, from America, United Kingdom, Canada, and Europe come online with me.
“I don’t know how I’ll be able to survive here, doc. This Skype session is my lifeline,” said a longtime Filipino OFW working nurse in a Covid hospital ward in London.
She continued, “I’ve no time to set appointment, travel to an office, with all of these erratic working schedules I’m having in the hospital. I need help now. And I found it in our online psychotherapy while I’m home!”
“It’s the stigma also, doc,” shared another overseas worker in Dubai, Middle East, recovering from uncontrollable pornography and sexual addiction habits.
For this client, online access made it easier for him to beat the stigma that’s historically attached to mental health issues.