What could you do when feeling “stuck?” Or, “stuck in your ways?”

Psychopathology is often an issue of “stuckness.” There is lingering inability to move on with life.
Mando was a client in the late 1990s. When he came to see me, he’s sobbing and unable to control his rage.
After 20 years, Mando remains bitter towards his ex-wife who abandoned him for a younger man.
This morning, he sent a note to relay a message he’d want for his wife: “Drop dead!”
Feeling stuck usually involves “stuck thinking,” which leads one to overlook strengths, opportunities, and areas of growth.
”Stuck in your ways” can take various forms, such as cognitively, emotionally, or physically.
Let me share some things you can do when “stuck:”
# Find support (e.g. personal, professional).
# Seek new ways of seeing, thinking, and feeling – perspectives.
# Expand who you are (e.g. cultivate interests, passions).
# Develop new friends and circles of support.
# Take a long view of your life – the big picture.
# Embrace serendipity – grow from the trauma or crisis by looking for the positive.
# Take control of aspects of your life that you can control.
# Diversify interests and areas of daily positivity and productivity.
# Develop patient waiting rather than forcing things to happen.
# Seek models of recovery and wholeness.
# Seek Higher Power, your higher self, to draw strength and resilience.
As a psychotherapist, I see the most perverse, sometimes the worst forms of “stuckness.”
In many ways, the “stuckness” contributes a lot to one’s growing depression, anxiety, conflicts, deception, addiction, and a host of other mental health problems.
It is always difficult to confront the sources of “stuckness.” At times, it seems impossible.
Yet there is always something that can be done … before it gets too late.